I wanted to not have to talk about this because I
thought it could be avoided. I wanted to not have to talk about this because I
wanted it to be a secret. But you were wife and mother and those praises go so
unsung. I want everyone to know, but I want nobody to know. I hate that you
blamed yourself. “I was jealous” you said of your first husband. How
embarrassing, that we would say this now. How unjust to you. I wish I could go
back and tell you that in that moment.
I talked to my mom on the phone yesterday. She said
you were awake for 40 hours talking to people who had passed. As if this were a
matter of practice. And then we thought it was going to happen, but it didn’t.
A race against the proverbial clock or the opposite of that, whatever that is.
Waiting. You watching classic movies still, or at least that still plays in the
background. I don’t know whether you hear or understand anything now. I feel
like I might now what day it will be almost, almost. Who fucking knows. She is
barely hanging on. No. You are still in the room with us. I am going to talk to
you directly like a real human being. We tick the time via bodily functions. I
don’t know about those anymore. Silence is strange, but expected now. I will
not ask. I don’t know the answer. We had gotten into a habit that didn’t make
sense anymore. I just couldn’t see myself on that timeline. Everything is
disjointed now, shattered.
But I will be back here again someday with someone
else. I don’t know who yet. I made the story about me this time. As an only
child, I always do. Such condemnation. But it’s time for you to go soon. Soon
you will put on your coat and shoes and get into the car. And it’ll be time for
me to be going, too.
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