Day 28—Darkside 2

The half-masked figure danced and jigged in front of Darlene. She sighed in the fog.

“You must be one of those…what do they call’em…trolls.”

The imp neared his leering face just inches away from Darlene’s. “Not sooooo faaaast, m’lady. Sure, I look silly, but I am here to protect you! I am one of your darksidewalkers. Did you not hear me earlier?

“Yeah, I did. If I wanted an escort home I would have asked Carlos from the club. I really think I’m going to be ok. I’ve never had problems on this route before.”

Half-Mask suddenly extracted something out of his trouser leg. It was a cane, with a silver skull for the handle. “Do you know what this issss?” he sneered.

“Yeah, it’s a weapon. And if you don’t stop waving it like that I am going to call the fucking constable.”

“Ohhhhhhhhh…the  Constable. The CONSTABLE! Well aren’t we fancy, living in a some-odd, so-and-so neighborhood like this.” He unsheathed a thin sword from the cane.”

“Prepare for a duel, madam!”

Darlene rolled her eyes, stopping in her tracks and hiding behind a large oak tree in order to call the constable. Her fang kept tapping on the face of the communicator. The call was over and done with in a minute and a half.

“Fight, you night-skinned bloodsucker!!”

Darlene was more of an unextraordinary vamp. She extracted a slingshot out of her pocket, loaded it with a heavy but smooth stone, and shot Half-Mask between the eyes. That should put him out until the constable arrives, she thought.

Half-Mask writhed, groaned and screamed. “I was only trying to help you…to protect you!”

Darlene rolled her eyes once again and replied: “All you darksidewalkers ever do is pressure people to do things on your own terms. What if somebody just isn’t interested? How about actually listening to what people need? Aye, y’er so overzealous. I said that I would have brought someone if I needed an escort home. Vamps gotta vamp. And now I’m taking your PsychBlood as punishment for bothering me.”


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