Never Get Between a White Woman and Her Superfans
Reminder of my boundaries below!
So I want to say that I continue to be wary of this space and of longform blogging in this format. Because I feel like people now have judgmental ideas of whether or not you have the right to keep a blog that is more personalized, that talks about your personal thoughts and feelings on things and stuff, that is subjective.
The thing is, I am not here trying to make a case that my feelings are objective scientific facts. I am not out here trying to disseminate harmful shit. I am out here trying to be a human on the internet in a world where we have all turned into mini commercial advertisements. I also don't have inflated ideas about this. If people read this shit, great. If they don't, great. But it's a nice place to be authentic. And also, I'm a grownass fucking adult. I can rant on the internet if I want to, hehe. But you know, people decided they wanted to vilify me when I tried to speak out against a harmful person earlier this summer...that's another story that I probably won't tell here, because never get between a white woman and her superfans.
Also, never get between a white woman who's otherwise cancelled you for supposedly talking shit about their fave, but then feels totally ok soliciting you to be their small business client. 😒
Finally got back to writing standup material today. My first mic in a while was rough and stilted, but better now than in two weeks at my next booked show.
I opted out of attending Wasteland Weekend '22. Sad, I really just wanted some reset time with minimal prep stress, but my life was not allowing leeway for a minimal prep stress WW and neither does my standard budget right now. So fuck it. Not gonna get hung up on the little things. Then the person who was supposed to help me with my camping setup dryrun involving putting up a popup had a pretty awful physical mishap yesterday. So help from that person would've been right out anyway.
Feeling nostalgic for the place I used to camp and sad that that dissolved. Not naming names, but sad for multilayered reasons. There is so much of a sense that everything and anything a lot of us used to have pre-panny is shattered irreparably.
Tomorrow I hope to step foot in my first in-person class with Viktor since the panny, been learning on Zoom for 10 months with him now. It's about time.
One thing I am happy for is my age and relationship to artistic careers right now, even though that also seems to be in a constant ebb and flow. I am unmoveably confident about some things now, but just sort of whatevers about others.
Hoping that this will help me get back to that place of being the sarcastic outsider that I once knew and loved...we must heal from the wounds of micro-advertising that ruined our online experience and try to make ourselves anew Xp