Hello out there in non-monetization land!

Wow wow wow! So I am posting here per a Twitter thread that Rob Sheridan shared recently, about going back to blogging like it's 2007. I really would love a place to word/feeling vomit, have a space for nonjudgment, to whine and bitch like I did on LJ (R. pointed out that we probably used LJ like that because we couldn't afford therapy at the time lololol, too true).

I am trying to navigate my relationship to my life, promotional stuff, things I give a shit about that I also happen to do for a living...it's complicated right now and oh-so-jumbled together. So I don't want to be super hard-lined about not promoting here, but I'm not really sure how to go about much of any of it at this moment.

I think I am going to try to make a Canva graphic stating my boundaries, which will probably generally be:

-No unsolicited advice, ever, pleeze. Solicited advice/feedback may happen, so don't worry, if you're the type who loves to tell your friends what to do, lol.

-Practice deep listening and holding space. That is to say, really this is just a repeat of the first point. If I am not actively crowdsourcing a fix, feedback or help, do not give it. Sharing about similar experiences is ok.

-I can't think of a way to word this that doesn't sound at least semi- woo-woo, but put bluntly, you will not take my energy without my consent. Even if you do it unconsciously.✋✋✋✋✋ This is a space of conscious and consensual interaction if there is interaction.

I'll also be direct about this here--I don't want to use this platform to cultivate "followers." I am fucking tired of that shit. It's old, expired, done. Open to either randos who want to respectfully read my words and maybe resonate with them, or old friends who want to keep track of each other in a different way.

I think that will close my thoughts on this for now. Be well, stay groovy.


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