What do People Even Mean by "Self Love?"

What do people even mean when they talk about self-love? I’ve seen the rhetoric around Valentine’s Day move from romantic and sexual love, to galentines and palentines, to self-love, and that is such a strange concept to me, because I think Americans have a great methodology of self-loathing (thank you, destructive Xtian hegemonic practices that don’t talk about healthy accountability at all), but I don’t even know what people are referring to at its core when they talk about self-love. Are they talking about self-acceptance? Are they talking about commitment to freedom from guilt and shame, especially for the past? Are they talking about the spiritual and psychological equivalent of body positivity or body neutrality, like accepting your flaws—which, it’s worthy to note, has also been extensively weaponized by some to just consistently excuse away abusive and shitty behavior? Are they talking about neutral acceptance of the fact that we all have healthy egos and take things personally once in a while? Do people really mean deeper attention to the body and to appearance when they talk about self-love—which legitimately, a lot of people of different gender expressions have had stigmatized (mostly also by cultural baggage or religious hegemony?) Are they talking about physical health?

And are “galentines” and “palentines” actually divesting from a push to spend money and consume in a capitalistic way, or are they just rebrands of pushes to buy buy buy? Do we even care anymore or are most average Americans so squeezed financially that while a lack of ability to buy goods in order to show love for another shouldn’t be judged, is it some kind of a financially flush and successful loving gesture if you can buy things for someone you love on a particular holiday? I guess that depends on your level of poverty trauma, right?

And then there’s what Valentine’s Day really is in context: a forced holiday in the middle of usually the coldest and most miserable month weather-wise, where people may not organically be feeling particularly romantic or sexual.

It’s weird. This is not from the perspective of yucking anyone’s yum, but the annual act of watching businesses’ gymnastics at trying to squeeze more money out of people during a short month, long winters, tax time and whatever else is so bizarre. As a small business owner myself, it brings to mind the misery of having to shoehorn everything into a “brand” and a cutesy conversational tone, being forced to participate in the attention economy and all of that.

Anyway, hopefully we won’t have taxes in a year. Lol. And at least now we know that all those people who sent themselves flowers to their workplace were the real heroes.


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