The Dialectics of Your Mom as Realized through the Analytical Tropes of Post-Malarkeyan Academia
I wish I had the deep thoughts for a proper extensive update that I really want to do right now. But I don’t. Anyway gears will shift then shift again no ground is stable I am carried on the waves I am being carried to my destiny I am strapped to the mast you love me I love you back I love many people and that is part of my lifestyle I know it is superior to nothing else I was in a show Thursday now I am not because it has been postponed I do not hold onto anything too tightly I am no longer trying to be successful in a realm meant for feminine people and twinks, BUT, we do comment on the same things (old Hollywood) just in slightly different ways. My words flow like the enthralling cascading of your hair joke is on our readers because you don’t have much I love you and we are joined together for eternity eternity being just one grain of sand that an unhoused-for-today dude is sleeping on top of I arch my back in a gothic archway I am a sexy goth butt in fishnets nothing more I wa...