
Showing posts from 2018

"Plague Mass" -12.5.18

Plague Mass 12.5.18 Clear your space Cleanse with frankincense or something similar that resonates with you This moment in ritual is to honor all the victims of AIDS-related illness and AIDS-related neglect, ignorance and phobia. It is particularly for those of us who may have been too young to remember this moment in history and its disturbing images. This text and this moment were influenced heavily by Diamanda Galas’s “Plague Mass” 1991 album and performance. Read: “Let us praise the masters of slow death” Please remember that Galas is a somewhat more-privileged voice in this dialogue and I encourage you to insert written materials here, if you want to do this ritual at home, to commemorate your own loved ones if that resonates better for you. "What Sympathy in Death discloses We who fester here Are very much alive And watch unmanned compassion flee To safer zones… Let us praise the masters of Slow Death… Hello to the positive think positive co...