Blessed Virgin of the Circus- 4.

Illustration by Karla Usagi

Several days later, Mara emerged from Jerry’s camper. Mala’s children Alex, Nick and John were playing kickball nearby. Mara had managed to cover some of the bruises on her face with makeup. She didn’t care anymore. She thought that Mala might’ve been able to offer some insight into something, but she had been thoroughly thwarted.

“What happened to you?” asked Alex, in true innocence.

“Somebody hit me. We were playing a game.”

“Ohhh…yeah, we play that game sometimes.”

“Yeah. You should probably be careful or something.” That was as far as Mara’s maternal instinct went. She smiled at Alex weakly. Mala was one story, but her children were another. She was happy for it.

Just then, Mara glimpsed Bao. Bao chuckled as they passed, but then cleared her throat.

“Hey man, I’m sorry about that. I figured you weren’t prepared. I also know that you’re strong from the acro, so I wasn’t going easy. You didn’t seem prepared.

All Mara could muster was a shrug.

It was almost opening day. At least Yana would be out of the trailer occasionally with Buddy and the Hi-Lites. Mara flopped down on her bed in order to practice her subdermal piercings.

The light flashed blue and gold this time. She hadn’t been saying her prayers. She’d been too sick to ask the Virgin anything. Stumbling from the high of piercing practice, she went to visit.

“Heal me.” The prayer was simple this time. A few seconds later, she swore she tasted the iron-rich flavor of blood in the back of her throat.


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