Random Brain Dump 6/20/24
I always like to take stock of stuff in my life at this time of year. So let's talk about a few things.First, something really positive. One of my yoga students/co-practitioners who has been with me the longest, is now embarking on teaching as a student and just recently, teaching online as a student. I'm super proud of her. She will be done with her full program and be ready to certify, projected by the end of December of this year, but I believe we all progress in our own timeline, so maybe give or take! Second, I'm seeking a bit more summertime employment that's predictable, and something for 10-20 additional hours per week would be just perfect. Or, you could join me for group donation yoga on Thursdays at 10am, sign up for private yoga or fitness sessions, sign onto home decluttering with me for between one and as many sessions as you need, or hire me for short-term copyediting or writing projects. I've been fitness and yoga certified since 2013 through AFAA/NA...